1. All information / spelling / numbers / ideas supplied must be clear & 100% accurate. Glenn Powles Design takes no responsibility for incorrect information.
  2. All logos and files are to be supplied in either .eps, .ai or .pdf format. .jpg files are not acceptable. A setup fee will be charged for any logo recreation and may affect the turn around time.
  3. Glenn Powles Design takes no responsibility for the incorrect application of sticker kits, incorrect use, or incorrect storage of any supplied products. All Glenn Powles Design sticker kits have been tested and fit the plastics satisfactorily.
  4. Glenn Powles Design does not run accounts and payment is to be paid in full before the dispatch of the product.
  5. All Glenn Powles Design products carry the GPD branding.
  6. Glenn Powles Design is the sole owner of all designs, artwork, and graphics produced by Glenn Powles Design and reserves all rights. You do not acquire ownership to any designs produced by Glenn Powles Design. The viewing of the designs displayed on this site is for viewing purposes only. No authority is given to any persons or business wishing to reproduce or duplicate any part of any design / templates or styles through any other party in any way shape or form. Design fees are charged based on labor only and do not offer the customer any copyright to that design. Reproduction of any designs, artwork, graphics or templates produced by Glenn Powles Design will not be tolerated unless produced through Glenn Powles Design. Such conduct will result in direct breach of copy right protection and will be contested by law.
  7. By contacting Glenn Powles Design you agree to the terms and conditions set by Glenn Powles design and accept the responsibility to abide by them.